What we do
We work alongside founders, owner-managers and others on the journey of leadership within creative, media and other entrepreneurial businesses to facilitate individual professional development and healthy organisational culture through mentoring, coaching and consulting.
Whether you´re searching for a better balance, needing to resource yourself or simply want a confidential ‘thought partner’ to talk things through with, we will work with you at the point where your self, your role, the organisational culture you have created and business objectives meet. This can help build greater effectiveness, emotional and systemic intelligence and the kind of self-awareness that facilitates truly effective leadership in a fast moving environment.
In particular we
- Work at an individual level to help align personal motivations and personality type with leadership role and responsibilities
- Work at an organisational system level to resolve the cultural and relational dynamics that impact personal and team performance
Our work frequently falls into these broad and overlapping areas:
For Founders
Expand your leadership authority and take people along with you.
Our knowledge of the dynamics and challenges facing founders and owner/managers allows us to offer bespoke coaching and mentoring in this specialist area. We work with founders at a number of levels simultaneously – providing a sounding board to clarify and align your personal vision for the business, supporting your journey into authentic self-managed leadership, and working with you to help develop the organisational culture of the whole business.
Our specialist experience in this area is offered to founders and entrepreneurs and frequently makes a tangible difference to enduring personal, professional and organisational success and satisfaction. Supporting you in establishing individual ways to build self awareness so you can better self manage and face into the complexity of leadership.
For Managers
The journey into management. Managing Transition. Managing people and processes.
We work to support individuals as they make the most significant transition of their working lives – from a focus on craft or processes to people and teams.
On the journey into broader leadership from a creative or other specialist role, individual professional development coaching can make the difference between success and failure.
The coaching process and relationship provides a neutral space in which to enhance self-awareness and resolve psychological blocks, leaving new managers resourced for high performance.
Coaching helps enable effective management and quality decision making in a fast moving creative environment where client, commercial and internal organisational issues create unique pressures on key individuals.
For Teams
Dream Teams. Leadership teams. Creative teams. Account teams.
Team dynamics coaching – a powerful catalyst for greater motivation, productivity and communications in a creative business.
For founder and leadership groups, partnerships, management, creative, administration and major project teams.
For Leaders
Leading not managing. Dealing with the complexity of leadership. Taking people with you on the journey.
Individual professional development coaching provides a confidential sounding board, a place to build enhanced self-awareness and resolve challenging issues.
Leadership, in our view, is enhanced when you are able to bring more of yourself into role, to be fully present. There is no one way of being as a leader because authentic and emotionally intelligent leadership can only come from within. From the inside to the outside – self awareness, self esteem, beliefs, attitudes, behaviours and actions.
Getting the best out of the people around you is an art, not a science. It requires you to be fully in touch with yourself, your strengths and weaknesses. Then to self manage towards your own authentic leadership style. This is why individual professional development coaching can make a real impact.
For Creatives
Creative Direction with heart and soul. Personal freedom, professional success.
We are privileged to work alongside a portfolio of leading creative and design directors to support them on their personal journeys and embed new approaches into their personal and professional lives – leaving them free to do what this industry is built on.
Our personal approach to professional development builds a greater capacity to create and lead in a creative environment, resourcing key creative people to manage multiple and challenging creative, design, interpersonal and organisational dynamics.
Being creative requires a high degree of personal alignment, clarity and mental/emotional freedom. Working with a developmental coach can have a significant impact and enhance creativity and productivity at a personal and organisational level.
For Creative Businesses
Cultivating Culture. Building organisational health.
Organisational culture is a product of its foundation, history, leadership style, shared beliefs and hidden loyalties. The additional demands for creative excellence and time critical production processes add unique pressures, which impact culture and organisational health.
A systemic view of the organisation and its hidden dynamics – when combined with coaching – helps resolve this complexity, brings clarity, renewed energy and a culture of sustainable organisational vitality.
We work alongside entrepreneurs leading creative and innovative businesses to support the growth of leadership clarity, organisational health and productivity in the senior team and beyond, working at the point where individual and organisation, personal and professional, life and leadership meet.
Our work brings us into contact with many issues faced by leaders:
Clarifying personal/business direction; leadership team clarity; authentic leadership; building organisational culture; managing partnerships; enhancing emotional intelligence; resolving founder syndrome; facilitating transition; succession; resolving team and interpersonal dynamics; behavioural change; delegation; peak performance; effective communications and influencing styles; resolving the impact of old patterns on leadership style; hierarchy and role in creative businesses; loyalty and retention issues; issue & crisis resolution; organisational flow; working with challenging people; having difficult conversations; coaching others; personality type and leadership; clarifying purpose; leadership team structure and hierarchy; joining and leaving, building enduring creative business vitality.